2.4.2. Query string parameters
"licenseNum": "string", // License number of the cash register
"timestamp": "integer", // Date/time of the request, Unix timestamp
"orders": [
"docID": "string", // Order code
"amount": "integer", // Document amount in kopecks
"employeeID": "integer", // Employee code
"employeeName": "string", // Employee's full name
"fiscalID": "string", // Fiscal receipt number
"fiscalURL": "string", // Link to the receipt in the tax office system
"items": [
"recID": "string", // Record code in the order reception system
"itemID": "string", // Product/service code in the accounting system
"itemQty": "integer", // Quantity*1000
"itemAmount": "integer", // Amount to be paid in kopecks
"discount": "integer" // Discount amount in kopecks, optional
"payments": [
"payID": "string", // Payment ID in the order reception system
"code": "string", // Payment type code
"amount": "integer", // Payment amount in kopecks
"transID": "string" // Transaction ID for card or online payments